He spent his childhood in Wriezen 50 km. Berlin fleeing for Second World War, where he lived until the end of the war traumatized by the Postwar. In a space of just 14 square meters he and his family view the devastated city of Berlin and by collecting scrab metal from Berlin´s ruins he trade for survival. With the desire to rebuilt his city he decide to study Arts in Kunstakademie in Berlin, where one of his teacher was Fritz Reuther. He also studied Architecture in Basel and Berlin. Due to the impact of the Second World War broke into the youth of the time, was an active member of the student movement of 68.
His first creations, following his ideas, focused on the field of painting in the 70\\\'s.
But the limited opportunity for creating with freedom, he decides at the best time of his life to begin with his own philosophy in culture, so he molded the idea of “Kreator\\\'s” his new style, from, \\\"Informela Abstration\\\" and large movements as a work of creation.
Time goes by, and then he felt again that his life needs a breakdown. So he stop creating and a small interlude betwen true and foolery comes through into his life and decide for few years to reunited. Later in Marbella he recovered again his freedom and found the “truth”.
Now the projekt “Fin de Ciel”, begins the real creation with all the power and faith in faces, bronces, colors and lines. Yet, he has no more “Kopf-Los” but all the ideas come through out of his head and now he shows up the magnifices of loyalty, patient, wisdom, love and inocence. Later Fred Friedrich held, Darwin and pantheistic belief, thought he rejects any religion (as thay are more unpredictable, more dangerous and more deedly than the atomic bomb itself, says).
The Contemporary Art City, Berlin, was the city where “Friedrich Foundation” was founded in 1994. Here, where time and art moves in massive steps, the Foundation has the opportunity to promote, finances, develope and spread, excellences artistic expressions on international scale. The Cultural House directs its target in promoting and protecting ideas in danger of extintion. In its wall lodges history, art and knowledege, giving place to show up any bold innovation in arts and culture. The fundamental goal of the same, is the protection and sustenance of “freedom” which it is, been affected by the impact of our society and technology.
Fred Friedrich and the Foundation continue with the project that takes care for the pursuit against, destruction and disappearances of mention ideal. “Friedrich Foundation -Berlin” has an assistance program for preservation of the inmediate habitat, to guard traditions and to promote autonomy culture and freedom thinking.